Johnson State College

At Johnson State College, we believe the success of a community is based on both a shared commitment to the basic core values of the community and the individual members sense of responsibility. As a community centered on the growth and learning of our members, in concert with our ongoing goal to remain one of the best colleges in Vermont, Johnson State College fully commits to the ideals set forth in the 1990 Carnegie Foundation report Campus Life: In Search of Community, which calls on us to be: An educationally purposeful community where faculty and students share academic goals and work together to strengthen teaching and learning on campus. An open community where freedom of expression is uncompromisingly protected and where civility is positively affirmed. A just community where the sacredness of the person is honored and diversity is pursued. A disciplined community where individuals accept their obligations to the group. A caring community where the well-being of each member is sensitively supported and service to others is encouraged. A celebrative community where the heritage of the institution is remembered and where rituals affirming tradition are widely shared.We are grateful to JSC community members for honoring these principles and reflecting them through actions.Our MissionJohnson State College believes in the power of higher education to transform lives. We express this belief by providing an education that crosses academic and other boundaries wherever possible; by creating opportunities for students to extend their classroom learning to the field, the laboratory, the studio, the community and the local and wider world; by recognizing and supporting the diverse starting points and goals of students while setting high standards; and by fostering active participation, vigorous debate and mutual respect.Our ValuesAs we strive to be one of the best colleges in Vermont, the following are some of the key values guiding our work. JSC faculty members are active scholars and researchers, but first and foremost they are committed to students and student success. Cross-disciplinary learning and experiential learning through research, internships, student teaching and other extended classroom experiences enhances academic programs and expands our students world view. A friendly and welcoming environment supports the development of close relationships between students and faculty, which promotes student success and persistence to graduation. Environmental and social awareness is a fundamental component of a JSC education one we support through academic offerings, community-based activities and cultural programming. Students take many paths in pursuing their educational goals, so its important to create an inclusive environment for both traditional and nontraditional students.

Academic Grad Slug

School Details

school_type year_founded religious_affiliation academic_calendar year_2016_endowment address telephone
Public, Coed 1828 N/A Semester N/A 337 College Hill, Johnson, VT 05656 (800) 635-2356
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Vermont Johnson

Criminal Offenses -- On-Campus

Criminal Offenses -- On-Campus Student Housing Facility

Arrests -- Noncampus Building or Property

title year_2013 year_2014 year_2015
Illegal weapons possession 0 0 0
Drug law violations 0 0 0
Liquor law violations 0 0 0

Arrests -- On-Campus

title year_2013 year_2014 year_2015
Illegal weapons possession 0 0 0
Drug law violations 4 1 2
Liquor law violations 8 5 12

Arrests -- On-Campus Student Housing Facility

title year_2013 year_2014 year_2015
Illegal weapons possession 0 0 0
Drug law violations 0 0 0
Liquor law violations 6 4 6

Criminal Offenses -- Noncampus Building or Property