Johnson University
School Details
school_type | year_founded | religious_affiliation | academic_calendar | year_2016_endowment | address | telephone |
Private | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | 1011 Bill Beck Boulevard, Kissimmee, FL 34744 | (407) 847-8966 |
overall score | total score | state | city | online | paying | global |
Florida | Kissimmee |
Tuition & Expenses
Title | Value |
Room and board | N/A |
Go to this school's net price calculator | N/A |
Title | Value |
Average need-based scholarship or grant award (freshmen) | N/A |
Students who received need-based scholarship or grant aid (freshmen) | N/A |
Average non-need-based scholarship or grant award (freshmen) | N/A |
Average non-need-based athletic scholarship or grant award (freshmen) | N/A |
Financial Aid
Title | Value |
Financial aid statistics | N/A |
Used GI Bill benefits to partially or fully finance tuition and fees | N/A |
Average total indebtedness of 2016 graduating class | N/A |
Graduating students who have borrowed (any loan type, 2016) | N/A |
Title | Value |
Average need-based self-help aid award (freshmen) | N/A |
Students who received need-based self-help aid (freshmen) | N/A |