Mississippi College
Mississippi College, governed by a Board of Trustees elected by the Mississippi Baptist Convention, is a private, co-educational, comprehensive university of liberal arts and sciences and professional studies dedicated to the pursuit of academic excellence. As a Christian institution, Mississippi College values the integration of faith and learning throughout the educational process. Consistent with its Baptist heritage and relationship to the Convention, Mississippi College provides a quality Christian education for its student population. Students select the university because of the quality of its academic programs, Christian environment, and location. The university strives to recruit students who demonstrate excellence in scholarship, leadership, and church/community involvement. The majority of students come from Mississippi and other southeastern states. Mississippi College stimulates the intellectual development of its students through the liberal arts and sciences and concentrated study in specialized fields, including pre-professional and professional programs. Furthermore, the university environment promotes the spiritual, social, emotional, and physical development of its students and encourages them to utilize their skills, talents, and abilities as they pursue meaningful careers, life-long learning, and service to God and others.
Academic Grad SlugSchool Details
school_type | year_founded | religious_affiliation | academic_calendar | year_2016_endowment | address | telephone |
Private, Coed | 1826 | Southern Baptist | Semester | $73.7 million + | MC Box 4001, Clinton, MS 39058 | (601) 925-3000 |
overall score | total score | state | city | online | paying | global |
60 | 100.0 | Mississippi | Clinton | 73 |
Student Life List
Total Enrollment | live On Campus | Description |
5,070 | 63% | Mississippi College has a total undergraduate enrollment of 3,145, with a gender distribution of 37 percent male students and 63 percent female students. At this school, 63 percent of the students live in college-owned, -operated or -affiliated housing and 37 percent of students live off campus. In sports, Mississippi College is part of the NCAA II. |
Student Body
title | value |
Total enrollment | 5,070 |
Total undergraduate enrollment | 3,145 |
Total graduate enrollment | 1,925 |
Enrolled students who are veterans or active service members | 9.3% |
Degree-seeking student gender distribution
title | value |
Degree-seeking women | 60.3% |
Students living on- and off-campus
title | value |
Students who live in college-owned, operated or affiliated housing | 63% |
Students who live off-campus | 37% |
Types of campus housing available
Details |
women's dorms (53%) |
men's dorms (33%) |
apartment for single students (13%) |
special housing for disabled students |
title | value |
Collegiate athletic association | NCAA II |
Clubs & Organizations
title | value |
Undergraduate men who are members of a fraternity | N/A |
Undergraduate women who are members of a sorority | N/A |
Air Force ROTC | Offered on campus |
Army ROTC | Offered on campus |
Navy ROTC | Not offered |