Missouri Western State University

Discover Missouri Western State University and you will find a great place to get an education and a great place to prepare for the future. Missouri Western State University is a model for the new American regional university, characterized by applied learning and applied research and service. Our educational focus is on creating opportunities for students to connect the theory of the classroom with practice in the public and private sectors. Thus, upon graduation, students are well prepared to build careers, continue their education, and to contribute as citizens of the world. Regardless of the major, when students graduate from Missouri Western they possess more than a degree; they also have real world experience in their field of study. In fact, most majors require students to complete at least one internship, practicum, research project or clinical as a part of graduation requirements. To meet this requirement, Western students work with faculty members and professionals in the field to complete challenging projects. Opportunities are available for students to work with a faculty member on a research project or grant, to study in places around the world such as London, Belize, Honduras, Germany, Mexico, or Ireland, and to learn through service in the region.

Academic Grad Slug

School Details

school_type year_founded religious_affiliation academic_calendar year_2016_endowment address telephone
Public, Coed 1969 N/A Semester N/A 4525 Downs Drive, St. Joseph, MO 64507 (816) 271-4200
overall score total score state city online paying global
Missouri St. Joseph

Info & Regulations

title value
Campus size (acres) 723
Students who have cars on campus N/A
Alcohol permitted on campus for students of legal age Yes

Health & Safety

Basic student services offered

nonremedial tutoring
women's center
day care
health service
health insurance

Campus safety and security services offered

24-hour foot and vehicle patrols
Late night transport/escort service
24-hour emergency telephones
Lighted pathways/sidewalks
Student patrols
Controlled dormitory access (key, security card, etc.)


Career services offered

on-campus job interviews
resume assistance
career/job search classes
interest inventory
interview training

Computer Resources

Computers available for student use in

residence halls
computer center/labs
student center

Library & Museum Information

title value
On-campus library Yes
Museums or special academic buildings on campus Planetarium

Learning Disabled (LD) Students

Services for LD students

Remedial math
Remedial English
Reading machines
Remedial reading
Tape recorders
Note-taking services
Extended time for tests
Priority registration
Texts on tape
Exams on tape or computer
Other testing accommodations

Physically Disabled Students

title value
Accessibility of campus to physically disabled students Mostly

Services for physically disabled students

Note-taking services
Tape recorders
Special housing
Adaptive equipment
Reader services
Braille services
Interpreters for hearing-impaired
Talking books