Oral Roberts University

Oral Roberts University employs a comprehensive rubric-evaluated University-wide ePortfolio system to assess its mission-focused learning outcomes as indicators of student progress. Students track their progress, while documenting that their educational experiences encompass more than academics. Data from student artifacts (essays, lab reports, video clips, reflection on co-curricular activities, etc.) are aggregated and disaggregated to measure student success and to make informed decisions for improvement of student learning through curricular and pedagogical refinements. Faculty members intentionally interact with students to inform them regarding their learning progress. Faculty members also regularly meet together to share ideas for improving assessment processes.Examples of recent course-linked service learning projects include the following: providing classes in English as a Second Language to non-English speaking residents; assisting with the development of a poverty-area business association; facilitating implementation of an inner city communitys economic development plan; conducting enrichment classes and programs (character development, drama, music, art) for students in elementary schools; devising a public relations campaign to promote a better image of assets and strengths in the inner-city community and to publicize service-learning efforts; developing small groups of women in four apartment complexes to assist with self-esteem development and readiness for employment; assisting with the development and maintenance of tenant associations in three low-income apartment complexes; organizing four support groups for residents of a Tulsa Housing Authority complex for the disabled; providing computer-training classes for residents utilizing facilities in low-income, high risk neighborhoods; and providing health care and counseling services for members of the Osage Nation in Pawhuska, Oklahoma, as well as to residents of Tar Creek, who suffer from health problems related to a long history of mining lead and zinc.

Academic Grad Slug

School Details

school_type year_founded religious_affiliation academic_calendar year_2016_endowment address telephone
Private, Coed 1963 Interdenominational Semester $41.9 million 7777 S. Lewis Avenue, Tulsa, OK 74171 (918) 495-6161
overall score total score state city online paying global
41 100.0 Oklahoma Tulsa 289 292